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Today I'm reading, listening, watching...

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Nov 09, 2005


Turds!! hehehe How well put.
Your such a real person and I thank you for sharing your private thoughts! Santa, that Crochet a day is what I waaant for Christmas!!!! I've been gooooood!
I like the turd idea...I might try that one with my EX!! Marie xoxo
Lelainia (Faith)
I am getting handed a whole pile of turds this week! ARGH! No thanks!
Sandrine (alias Didine!)
Dear Tracy, it's the first time I let you a post but I read your blog each day ! Sorry for that. I wanted to thank you for sharing all these things of your life ! And wanted to tell you that I have the same problem. Since I put my buttock on the sofa, my mouth get open and I fall asleep !!!! I need to do crochet like you !! Thanks for the calendars'links ! Have a very nice week end ! Cheers !

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