Posting again in my journal is like putting my toe in the water of being social. I've been so withdrawn that I've been forcing myself to sit down and contribute. I thought I'd share two things with you. First, here's a photo I took tonight of my tv watching project. If I just sit and watch tv, I will be asleep in a heartbeat, so I must crochet or bead or whatever can be done in my lap in order to stay awake. This is the beginnings of a poncho. See the gorgeous floral yarn bag I'm using? It was a giftie from my girlfriend, Stacie! I thought it would be fun for her to see that I really do use it!! I'm using some fun, hot pink, yarn I got in Sisters, Oregon a couple of months ago. The pattern you see here is from the COOLEST thing I bought at Costco last week. It's a Crochet a Day Calendar. Every day is a new pattern. There are some of the greatest patterns inside...365, to be exact. I'll scan a few of my favorites so you can have a peek.
Don't be confused by the spiral binding you see at the top of my calendar book, the pages are actually loose in a cool box that props up for easy display. I used my coil binder and put it all together like a chunkybook....Kinko's can do that for you if you buy one. (they also have a knit a day calendar!)
I'm worried that I don't have enough of my pink yarn to finish this but luckily have been saving some funky, hot pink & orange, hand spun yarn from Tracey Lampe. I'm going to use it to go around either the top or bottom of the poncho, haven't decided which. :)
As usual, it's been an emotional few days. Monday night I completely lost it over something and cried my head off....which I actually haven't let myself do in ages....I've done the tears and sniffles thing, but Monday night, I let it rip. The next morning I got a visit from my Aunt Flo and thought, "hey, maybe that's why I had a meltdown last night." Have you ever noticed that even with you can obviously blame "that time of the month" on being emotional, it doesn't make it feel any better? okay, that's not true, sometimes it does.
Monday I had my third visit with Susan. Before I left to go see her my hubby said..."hey, why don't you see if you can work yada yada into the session as we need you to be productive, etc." I know he has no idea that my inbox is not only full, but it's spilling over....working "yada yada" into the mix is a solid NOPE. I told him I'd see what I could do. The session went very well, we laughed, we cried....blah blah blah...well, I did the crying, but we both laughed. When I told her about hubby's parting thoughts as I was making my way out the door to see her, I told her how I'd responded but that I knew there was no way I could squeeze anything else onto my plate right now, I've still got people waiting for things and am actively working to just get emotionally healthy. She said that she has a friend who calls that "handing over the turd"....we both cracked up laughing when she said it. She said that as my parting gift, hubby handed me a turd and it was my job to say, "hey, that's not mine, you can keep it." The next day (tuesday) I told him about it. He said, "I didn't mean to be handing you a turd." teehee.... but he GOT it. Earlier this evening, there was a miscommunication with my daughters' Dad & I (my girls are supposed to spend Wed. nights at his house) I was telling hubby about it he said..."Hey! He's just handing you his turd! Don't take it!" Hubby's such a sweet, funny man. oxox
Posted by: tyn | Nov 12, 2005 at 11:02 PM
Posted by: PJ | Nov 11, 2005 at 12:14 PM
Posted by: Marie | Nov 10, 2005 at 11:39 PM
Posted by: Lelainia (Faith) | Nov 10, 2005 at 10:26 AM
Posted by: Sandrine (alias Didine!) | Nov 10, 2005 at 12:32 AM