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Mar 10, 2006


Awww, Lily is just beautiful!!! LOVE that puppy. And the snowmen are just so cute! The Cheerios are a perfect addition. :) xoxox Lain
Brandi Powell
Ok, I dont know which is cuter, the snowmen or that dog. They are both adorable! I love the images your purchased from Diane. I really wish I could have taken that class! Brandi
Deb Trotter
Tracy- If those aren't the cutest little snowmen I have ever seen. And as for Lily! I am dying here! I do so love Westies! She is a doll baby! Love, love, love Diane Cuhane's artwork! You lucky dog, you! I adore her work (as I do yours). This was a great post! Hugs to you, & take care. Deb
Wow, what a wonderful, long post. My Ross was quite excited about his two-hour late day on Thursday, too. Unfortunately, by Friday morning he was sicker than a dog...bad, bad cold. BTW, he, too, had made a mini-snowman, except with all the artsy flourishes. And your paintings...I LOVE them. And then your artist's name is Diane Culhane and MINE is Diane Calhoun...so how could I NOT love her? Cheers!
The paintings look beautiful! and tell Kimber I am so sorry grampa Tubbs died.. poor lil thing! Lily looks BEAUTIFUL.. the little princess she is! :)

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I wish I wish I had these books!