I've been pondering the above post title "The Thrill of the hunt" for a few days lately. I've
actually used that phrase while sharing my experiences hunting for treasures at thrift stores, estate sales, antique shops, etc.
There is definitely a thrill to happen on a piece of something...be it a book, piece of bakelite jewelry, a set of cornishware mugs. The thrill of the hunt is when something is found that you truly LOVE or feel pretty confident that if you want to sell it, you can make a profit.
Over the past several years, I've come to discover that there are even greater thrills in treasure hunting besides the hunt. I can't count the number of times I've bought something on a hunch....not knowing exactly what it was but having a "feeling" that it was something special. In most of these cases, I'll bring home my stash and kind of toss the mystery item in the corner with an afterthought of..."I'll research that thing later." The little unwanted but "it could be something" items have been known to be forgotten for sometimes over a year....just sitting in a box full of other treasures that haven't quite pulled me in.
One of the first of my OH MY GOSH! afterthought items was this little cutie... I'd grabbed it at an estate sale and gave it to kimber (who was little and in a stroller) to keep her quiet. It wasn't priced so I offered a dollar, which was accepted. Soon after, while researching something totally different at the bookstore, I flipped a page and there was a picture of this! It said the value was $200 (I've seen them on ebay for much less). It's a tiny steiff lamb. The second I got home, I grabbed it off the floor and it became my new treasure! Fortunately Kimber was too young to even miss it. :)
To shorten this post, I'll picture just the facts on some other gut instinct treasures I've found and let sit around before feeling moved to research. I can assure you, this THRILL is actually even greater than the hunt thrill because you have something that's no biggie, on a personal level then Wham!! It's suddenly very personal and special and "I can't believe I've let it sit in that corner with all my other crap for so long!"
Bakelite chess set purchased for a couple of bucks at an estate sale. Listed it on ebay last December and it sold for approx. $450. THRILL!
1 dorky brass skull & crossbones ring with red eyes....cost me less than $1. After discovering this little ad online somewhere, I listed it on ebay and it sold for $450! THRILL! Who'd have thought?!?! *I've looked everywhere and can't find a picture of it...shoot*
These two pieces were stuck inside a big sun tea jar of costume jewelry I bought for $12 at Goodwill. I thought they were pretty, but could see that the metal was brass or something similar and not real gold...so, put them aside as a keep and deal with it later. Learned about a year later that they're Victorian Era Bohemian Garnets. I've hung onto them because I want to use bits of the necklace for jewelry. The garnets are such a beautiful red... Vintage sterling Cosmopolitan, Martini Bar charm. $10 at an antique show at the convention center. In a weak moment, in need of money and following a hunch, I listed it on ebay and it sold for $150. Not so much of a thrill, but hey, we needed the money!
Okay, I could go on and on, but pizza is ready and I'm being called to the tv. I'll now tell you about 2 of my newest HUH?? treasures...
I got this cutting at the Goodwill Bins along with some other vintage ephemera scattered in the book bins. One day I pulled it out of it's hidy hole and did a search for Georges Boria...HERE and HERE's what I found.
Finally....the top photos of the book Miroir des Ames. Something I picked up at an old bookstore in Revel France. I think it may be a really big deal. I'll keep you posted! oxoxox